A Message from the Mayor - Spring/Summer 2018

Dear Fellow Citizens,

Not sure if we call this past season winter or not, but spring is right around the corner, and iwth that comes a lot of great events and activities within the borough.  Please remember to support our local Chruches, Fire Company, and Organizations.  We are lucky to have a community with so many activities to enjoy, as well as a fantastic pool and park with an incredible play ground.  Please remember to be careful and watch for kids and others as they are out enjoying what Womelsdorf has to offer!

As you will see through out the newsletter, Womelsdorf has a brand new website and by the time you get this, will either be up and running or will be within a week or two.  The new website is going to give our residents so much information and allow you to do so much from the comfort of your own home.  Please look for the page in our newsletter with all the exciting website info!

In closing, I just want to remind everyone to make sure you are aware of the borough ordinances.  A common ordinance that people seem to forget is that your pet must be on a leash.  This is for the safety of your pet and the resident's  Also, weeds and grass must be cut.  Any lawn or grass longer than six inches, will result in a fine.  All ordinances can be obtained at the borogh hall.

Yours in Service,

Jennifer Gettle